President Team 2022-2024

On 17 June 2022, EURATEX General Assembly voted the new president and his team to lead EURATEX’s vision for the next two year. The team is composed by President Alberto Paccanelli, Mr. Ismail Kolunsag, Mr. Bodo Boelzle, Mr. Gregory Marchant and Mr. Jean-Francois Gribomont.

From left to right: Ismail Kolunsag, Bodo Boelzle, Gregory Marchant, President Alberto Paccanelli, Jean-Francois Gribomont.

EURATEX is the European Apparel and Textile Confederation, representing the interests of the European textile and clothing industry at the level of the EU institutions. As the voice of the European industry, EURATEX aims to create favorable environment within the European Union for manufacturing of textile and clothing products.

Textile and apparel manufacturing is an essential pillar of local economy across the EU regions. EURATEX member federations represent in the EU some 143,000 companies with a turnover of €150 billion, employing 1.5 million workers. The textile and fashion products made in the EU are exceptional in regards to the respect of environment, consumer safety and labour rights. EURATEX has an ambitious programme to enhance sustainable growth of the European textile and clothing industry.

EURATEX provides the EU institutions with accurate data and useful tools for making the policies that enhance Europe’s economic growth and encourage jobs creation. We are committed to facilitate access of our companies, which are predominantly SMEs, to European actions. EURATEX is focused on a few clear priorities: genuine industrial policy, research and innovation support, free and fair trade, and sustainable textiles.

EURATEX was officially created in 1996 with the merger of three organisations present in Brussels, all lobbying for the interests of the Textile and clothing industries since the early ‘60s.

COMITEXTIL (Coordination Committee for the Textile Industries of the EC), ECLA (European Association of Clothing Industries), ELTAC (European Largest Textile and Apparel Companies) decided to create one single body, able to have a stronger and coordinated voice towards the European and International institutions.

In 2010 EURATEX became an international non-profit organisation (aisbl).

EURATEX Presidents

Alberto Paccanelli Italy June 2019 – present
Klaus Huneke Germany January
2017 – June 2019
Serge Piolat France January
2015 – December 2016
Alberto Paccanelli Italy January
2011 - December 2014
Peter Pfneisl Austria January
2009 – December 2010
Michele Tronconi Italy July
2006 – December 2008
Filiep Libeert Belgium July
2001 – June 2006
Jean De
Italy July
1999 – June 2001
Dominique Jacomet France July
1997 – June 1999
Klaus Steilmann Germany January
1996 – June 1997